The AME Church’s founding in 1787 represents the first civil rights movement in this country. It is ironic that the “walk out” from St. George’s Methodist Episcopal Church was also in Philadelphia where the constitution of the USA was being shaped and freedom was being debated. The leader was Richard Allen, a clergyman (who later became the first elected and consecrated bishop) who embraced the basic theology of Methodism but rejected the practice of separatism and discrimination against people of color.


The second civil rights movement begun in 1955 was sparked by Mother Rosa Parks, a lifelong AME. Her quiet demur manner masks the strong convictions of this lay woman who took a stand of conscience.

AME Church Mission

The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading Christ’s liberating gospel through word and deed.

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AME Social Action

AME Social Action Commission is the social justice arm of the AME Church. It's work is representative of the ongoing fight for Civil Rights and Social Justice in the world, and ongoing efforts to uplift and educate throughout all of our endeavors. Social Action is basic to ministry in African Methodism.



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